Sep 18Liked by Menopause Nutrition

I'm also well past menopause and while I agree on front loading breakfast, one that has this much refined carbs and only a little protein would completely throw off my blood glucose regulation. What works for me is a bowl of oatbran porridge, added psyllium (totally agree re the fibre), plus 30 grams of wehy protein stirred in after cooking and topped with fruit, kiwi or berries are my current go to. Prunes sound like a great idea too. I need at least 30 grams of protein with low GI carbs or I get hungry within an hour or two. I'm also a registered nutritionist and find my clients notice a big difference in satiety with a higher protein breakfast also. Like you I keep my dinner light.

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I'm glad you found what works for you! My breakfast has 17 grams of fiber and 25 grams of protein (I have two cups of milk and grains also contain protein) and all of the cereals are whole grain.

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Sep 18Liked by Menopause Nutrition

This was very helpful! I have a hard time not eating after dinner. Just a bad habit I think more than anything. Going to work on it though!

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We are all works in progress! I'm glad this was helpful.

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Thank you so much for presenting all of this in a way that isn't restrictive. As a mindful eater and fellow RD, who is approaching menopause, I appreciate your take on this. I'm also a recovering mom of a teen household and am getting used to having food not disappear from my kitchen so fast, and I agree about the quasi-planning by keeping nutritious food on hand. Great article! *Adds prunes to shopping list*

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Thanks for your comment and your remark about being a recovering mom of a teen household (I have 3 kids) made me chuckle! Enjoy the prunes!

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I have been trying to get myself off of chocolate for ages and the more I try, the more the cravings hit. The big problem is if it's in the house, I'll eat a lot of it. And there aren't many places to buy a small piece, except the super processed, many ingredient variety. Any tips on having a little without having a lot in the house? thanks.

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I struggled with the same issue, to be honest. You could buy small portions, like Ghirardelli squares or Hershey's nuggets and allow yourself so many. If I'm too full from dinner, I really can't eat a lot of chocolate which is a HUGE change from when I was younger and I would eat it even if I wasn't hungry. Is your dinner satisfying enough? I'm fishing here, but trying to come up with a solution!

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I'm working on making sure dinner is filling enough. I've been ending it with very juicy grapes lately but now that it's getting cold, I'll be switching to more juicy veggies. There always seems to be enough room for chocolate though, lol. Appreciate the ideas.

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There's always room for chocolate!

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Thanks for your comment and your remark about being a recovering mom of a teen household (I have 3 kids) made me chuckle! Enjoy the prunes!

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